A Canvas Print Is The Perfect Valentine’s Day Present

The beauty of giving a canvas print as a Valentine’s Day present is that it is a one-off, totally original gift. It’s also a lasting reminder of how much you mean to each other.
A favourite choice for Valentine’s Day is a picture of your loved one or of the two of you together – it might be one of your wedding photos or perhaps it’s just a favourite selfie. The right picture can look fantastic as a print and makes a wonderful statement of your feelings. However, there is something of a risk to this – you may think your partner looks fantastic in that picture, but he or she may not agree! Just make sure you both really like that picture to avoid a Valentine’s Day disaster.
Another great option is a family photo – after all, everyone likes to show off pictures of their cute kids. Most people will have at least one picture they love, but if you don’t have the perfect photo of them, perhaps now is the time to splash out on a professional portrait?
Does your partner have a pet? It can be difficult to take a good picture of our furry friends, but if you manage to get one you know it will be appreciated. A photograph showing their pet’s best – or worst! – side will be something to treasure for any animal lover.
If you want something slightly different, try to find a picture from a holiday you went on together or of a place that’s special to the two of you. To everyone else, it may just look like a beautiful landscape or a nice house, but you and your partner will know why it’s important to you. Having it on the wall will be a wonderful reminder of your relationship.
Or you could find or take a photograph of something close to you which you know he or she really likes – a favourite plant in your garden, a local landmark or a nearby view.
For lots of people, the problem isn’t finding a great photo to turn into a canvas print, it’s having to decide which one to choose. If that’s the case, you could consider a collage. Pixa Print have a selection of different layouts, plus different designs and themes so that you can get just the right combination of pictures to make a fantastic canvas. You can even add text to the pictures if you want to.
Pixa Print can also apply a range of colour effects to your photographs to enhance their appeal. You could add a special colour effect to change the mood, including sepia, black and white, oil paint or pencil sketch.
They offer a big range of sizes too, from 10×10” up to a massive 36×48”, so you can give a canvas to fill a small space, or one to fill the whole wall. There’s also a choice of square, portrait or landscape formats, so it’s easy to find the best option for your Valentine’s Day gift.