How To Take The Perfect Picture

Whether you are using a top-of-the-range DSLR or a mobile phone, photos are an important part of our everyday lives, capturing those precious moments for all eternity. But how can you give your images that little something extra? Check out the tips below.
1. Sharp
Unless you want them blurred to portray movement or for another artistic reason, photos should be as in focus and sharp as possible.
2. Direct
Before taking your photograph, take a few seconds to direct your subjects to let them know where you wish them to stand or what you want them to do. Look at various viewpoints, and don’t be scared to use props if necessary.
3. Viewpoint
The composition is hugely affected by the viewpoint. Take a minute to think about what message you are trying to convey. How do you want your subject to appear? Dynamic? Soft? Photographing from a side perspective, from a low angle or from above can make a big difference.
4. Lighting
Light is one of the most important aspects of taking a good photograph. Consider the light in terms of intensity and direction. Harsh shadows can be created by bright overhead sunshine, so move the subject to a shady area if possible. The light can be warmer and more gentle in late afternoon or early morning, so if you want to take more scenic photos, think about scheduling these in at these times.
5. Lending Lines
Curved, straight, diagonal, vertical, horizontal or zigzag lines (implied or actual) can help you to direct the audience’s eye to exactly where you want them to look. There are lots of ways these occur naturally. Think about clouds, rivers, buildings, bridges, fences, railways, roads and more. Use these to add depth.
6. Cropping
Take a minute before taking a photo to consider what is in your frame. Make sure the background doesn’t detract from the main subject. Cropping can work to create intimacy and ensure the viewers’ attention is exactly where you want it to be.
7. The Horizon
Sometimes you will want to add a little slant to a quirky photo. However, too much of an angle can look strange and ruin the image. Use your camera grid if it has one. If not, use the bottom or top of your viewfinder to ensure your horizon is straight.
8. Depth
For a more engaging and interesting photograph, create depth and perspective using strategically placed objects in the fore, mid or background.
9. Experiment
Thankfully, we no longer have to worry about the cost of experimenting when we photograph. Digital images can be viewed instantly and cost nothing, unlike in days gone by. As such, there is so much scope for experimenting. Try everything you can think of – the possibilities really are endless!
10. Finally
Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Flickr to share all of those amazing images you have created.